Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Remembering that true joy...

comes from our relationship with the Lord...and nothing that happens in our life can take that blessing away!  Nothing!  Satan is doing his best right now to steal that joy away from us...from maybe even you.  But we have determined that we will trust in the Lord our God!  He has a purpose and a plan...even though we can't comprehend the how and why of it right now!

"If you want joy, real joy, wonderful joy...let Jesus come into your heart."

"You'll never know real peace till you know Jesus,

No matter how or where you try;
For life is but loss without Him--
Jesus, Jesus.
He died on Calvary's cross to win our pardon,
He rose to justify;
He is coming soon to take us,
to reign with Him on high."

"The joy of the Lord is my strength, the joy of the Lord is my strength..."

Just a few songs that are scrolling through my mind today!  I am thanking the Lord that He keeps bringing them to mind...He is answering our prayers for protection and guarding what we are thinking on today!  What are you asking God to allow yourself to focus on today?  He hears us when we call...and He answers! 


  1. my mother just introduced me to the song "you'll never know real peace..." Do you have music for it?

    1. I don't know if I have ever seen music for this mother has a talent of playing by ear! She would play this and our whole family would sing it. I will look around and see what I can find!
