Friday, May 29, 2020

May 20

Needing an attitude adjustment already!  
School is over and the schedule has changed...again.  I enjoy the time at home to be a wife and mom.  It always take me a long time to unwind and remove my teacher hat.
This year, I am feeling a little more discombobulated and there is more of a let down this year because there hasn't been a finale.
I stopped posting teaching videos.
I stopped posting helpful tips.
I stopped posting "Just for Moms" thoughts and verses for the day.
I miss my little friends...there was comfort in structure and routine.
I feel like I've let everyone down because we didn't have this big, fun graduation program and ceremony...because the leader of our state has over-reached and keeps cancelling things.
I feel bad for my Kinders and their parents.
I feel bad for my girl normal Senior graduation activities...yet.

I know God is in control and I have peace in all of the changes...but there is still frustration and aggravation.  Those natural feelings and emotions have to be dealt with on a daily basis.  Oh my stubborn, sinful heart with natural feelings and emotions...that cannot be allowed to run wild!
So even though everything else seems to have time with God has not.  It cannot!  It is a choice I have to make each day.  I have a poster on my bulletin board in my classroom...
Today's goals: Start with God, Stay with God, and End with God.
I cannot do that if I am not spending time with God to keep my thoughts focused on the right things!  Even with a schedule change...I must set time aside to read, meditate, and ask the Lord for wisdom and direction in my thought life.
In my flesh, I am tempted to vent my anger over what is happening in our world right now.  I read in Proverbs 29 today what happens when I am not wise...but a fool, so I choose to hold it in check and remember that God is still in control.  He is fully aware of what is happening.  Just about the time I think we will get to move on with plans, we get smacked with another cancellation or change...which brings disappointment.  It is not fun.  I don't like it.  It irritates me...mostly because of the dishonesty and the double standards...and how it affects life negatively. Turn the news off.  Get off the internet.  Evil is will not get better.  Turn the music on.  Get in the Word...because it will affect you ALL DAY LONG!

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