Monday, November 23, 2020

It happened again.

We had heard it would...and prayed it wouldn't...but it did.  Our state is in shut-down mode again and fear is reigning supreme.  The damage being done to our state...our country...our churches...our schools...our families is stunning.  I am watching and hearing Christians be paralyzed by fear.  Their words...not mine.  I have seen the panicked faces.  I have endured the shut-downs and changes that affected every day life.  I have heard the threats.  I have worked when others would not.  I have had to manage the stress and extra work...again.  I have worked to keep our home a place of peace and comfort.

OUR CHILDREN...AND OTHERS THAT WE INFLUENCE...ARE WATCHING US!  And they are seeing that our actions are not matching the words that we have been sharing with them for years!  



HAVE WE TRULY YIELDED OUR LIVES TO HIM?  Or was that just what we were told to say to "Be a good Christian."?

Is this virus real?  Yes.  Is it as bad as they say?  No...the numbers do not support it.  Is it dangerous to some people?  Yes...and those people need to be careful and take steps of precaution.  BUT THEY SHOULD NOT BE MAKING DECISIONS FOR THE MAJORITY!

I live with a man who has a quarter of a lung that functions.  On a good day, he struggles to breathe.  He coughs.  He spits.  He gets winded.  An ordinary cold immediately goes to his lungs and turns into bronchitis/pneumonia in a short time.  I watched him several years ago go into full on pneumonia in four hours...high fever...and we went to the ER.

YES!  I could live each day crippled by the thoughts that tend to creep into my mind when I hear rattly breathing or extra coughing.  BUT WE HAVE CHOSEN NOT TO DO THAT!  God has allowed this in Ted's life for his whole life.  We have dealt with physical restrictions and made adjustments our whole married life...and we have lived life!  We have been through some difficult situations through the years that have brought us to our conviction...WE WILL TRUST GOD NO MATTER WHAT!  NO MATTER WHEN.  NO MATTER WHERE.  NO MATTER HOW.

We have taught our children that we will TRUST GOD and we will follow His leading for our lives.  And that is not tempting the Lord our God.  That is obedience!  Pure and simple!  Proverbs 3:5-6. God has given us peace amidst many storms of life.  We will live what we say we believe...whether we are out and about...or at home.  Our children are watching us.  Other people are watching us.  God expects us to live out the reason for the hope within us!  And fear...does not come from God!  2 Timothy 1:7

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