Sunday, February 7, 2021

"Be the grace that is in Jesus Christ."

"Be strong, not confiding in thy own sufficiency, but in the grace that is in Jesus Christ."

As I think and pray for my sister each day, I have also taken some time to read about the treatment she will be enduring to combat the cancer that is in her body.  She had no idea it was there, till she felt a little lump.  Due to the affects of Covid-19, she had to wait to get in for an appointment, did that little lump grow and change?  How long had it been there?  What will it do?  Where else could it be?  Will it respond to treatment?  How drastic will treatment be?

So many questions.  So many concerns.

We know treatment for cancer will not be fun.  We know there will be nasty side effects from these treatments.  

The team of doctors feel that Mari will respond to these treatments and the lump that is cancer will shrink or even go away.  They are hoping for less invasive procedures to remove the lump.  And we know that God is the Great Physician.  We know that He alone knows the end from the beginning and we choose to trust Him.

It is hard to watch someone prepare for the path of treatments for cancer.

Tests to endure.  

Waiting to experience.

Tears to catch.  

Fear to fight off. 

It is hard to watch someone go through the treatments for cancer. 

As I watch and prepare to help in the fight, I cannot help but think how much cancer is like sin.  We wouldn't choose to have cancer in our body.  I'd like to think we wouldn't choose to have sin in our heart.  That wasn't God's plan when He created man!  God created a world that He called "VERY GOOD" but sin entered the world by one man's choice...and affected the whole creation. 

Cancer starts off as a small problem, and when we don't know of or acknowledge its presence and realize the danger of its growth, we are at its mercy.  Thankfully through the years, medical experts have learned about cancer, how it grows, what makes it grow, and how cancer can be dealt with in the body.  Every body is different.  Every cancer is different.  Every treatment will be adapted as bodies respond differently.  We, of course, are praying for God's will that Mari's body and the cancer will respond in the quickest way to the treatment with the least harmful effects!

Sin works in much the same way.  When we do not deal with our sinful choices, we allow for other choices to be made.  We make excuses and allowances making room for satan to attack us in our weaknesses.  Pretty soon, we are down a path that leaves no consideration for thinking of how we could or should please God with our choices.   Sin always takes us farther than we want to go...and with the help of others...we can make a change in our prevent further destruction.

Cancer can be treated...but you need the help of knowledgeable people.  The medicines and treatments are strong.  There is pain and unpleasantness.  We hope and pray the cure doesn't cause lasting damage or kill.

Often there will be some warning signs that may signal there is something wrong, but we might ignore it due to busyness or ignorance.  Sometimes, we don't even know how bad the danger is till it too late to prevent some long lasting consequences and even death.

Some people have a physical cancer to fight.

Other people have a spiritual cancer to fight.

Both have a choice in whether or not to fight the cancer.  Both need help and support to fight the cancer whether it is physical or spiritual.  

No fighting....long-lasting consequences...sickness or even death.

No help and support...consequences...discouragement or devastating choices.

Help and support and tools to fight...the will to go on, healing, and restoration.

We make the choice!  

God gives the strength and healing in His time and His way.


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