Friday, December 25, 2020

The world in solemn stillness lay...

I've noticed through the years that there are pictures of Christmas morning that looks similar to this one.  Most are marked with a time that is earlier than any other day of the year...ranging from 4:00am to 6:30am.  If I have a picture of it...that means I was the one up that early!  This year is no different.  I think this was the worst night of sleep I have had in a very long time.  Not to be rude, but there was a strong, loud outside force at I won't go into any more detail.  I laid there.  I surfed on my phone.  I prayed and eventually dozed for while...but finally just got up...made coffee, let the dogs out, and now we sit in the still of the early morning.  There is something so calm and peaceful sitting here in the dark.  Outside there is a light blanket of snow that fell while we slept.  The Christmas lights add a soft light.  The smell of the lit candle adds a cozy glow.
I think that this is exactly what God wants us to experience when He says in Psalm 46:10
"Be still and know that I am God."
The writer of the song captured the idea. "The world in solemn stillness lay..."
And that is when the angels sang...God had everyone's attention...nothing else making noise and distracting them from the most important news of the hour.
Jesus was born.
He came to die...that we might live.
God's plan.
Hope for the world.
Yet...we allow the busy, the noisy, the crazy to take away the quiet, comfort, joy, and peace. 
2020 has been a year full of things that have taken our eyes, ears, and minds off the hope that God gave us so many years ago.
I don't want to forget the truth that I am reminded of in the stillness of these early morning moments God brings to me when I sit in the quiet of our home...surrounded by the comfort only God can give. 
Everything in our world is constantly attacking and stealing the joy and peace that I have in Christ.
On this Christmas morning, I am taking time to be reminded that God's plan for me is much better!

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