Saturday, January 8, 2022

Always remembering that there is something to delight in each day!


With each new year comes many moments of reflection and remembrance, usually regarding the previous year.  The older I get, the farther back I go in counting the blessings that have added up year after year.  This week in Kindergarten, we have talked about why Jesus came at Christmas.  I have shared with my class that Jesus didn't stay a baby...He grew in wisdom, in stature, and in favor with God and man. Luke 2:52.  He grew up and lived his life without sin!  Jesus is our example.  He taught us how to love others as He loved His Father.  Each evening, I have the opportunity to talk to my husband who is a thousand miles away working.  Most days, I am able to function in peace and happiness.  But if I am honest, there are many days that I am hanging on and trying to be joyful in our present situation and it is so hard my throat constricts with tears when I see he is calling.  I will myself to not dissolve into a puddle of tears when I hear his voice.  I long for his hugs and company.  We share the usual pleasantries and exchanges about our day or the latest news...both working through the loneliness...and then the real stories of the day start...and I find my resolve to find my strength in the Lord and keep going each day...
because God has given my husband a work to do that is far beyond the business of this world!  Ted shares the conversations and questions that he has each day with co-workers on all different levels...often at the hardest times...and I wipe the tears silently away and pray for his wisdom and strength to keep on doing what is right in the face of hard.
I'm a grown up.  I have lived 52 years so far...and still counting thankfully.  I would like to think I have friends and can get along with people.  But the part of the verse that has hit me this week as I have explained it to my class..."in favor with God..."
I want God to be happy with my life.  And right now He is asking me to live for Him in Michigan while my husband lives for Him in Georgia.  I am spending a lot of time looking back to what God has taught us through our years together.  I am choosing to delight in the circumstances that God has brought to our life right now in 2022.  And I want to be genuine in my thoughts and life as I share with my five and six year olds that Jesus' way is the best way to live in favor with God and man!  I won't lie and say it is easy, but I will say that it is worth it if people can see Jesus in our lives.
"but his delight is in the law of the LORD..."
Psalm 1
LORD, please help me to think right!  Help me to focus on the right things...even when it is hard.

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