Friday, June 19, 2020


As I am getting older, I am finding that the strength in my hands is diminishing.  I notice it especially when I am working on a project that requires repetitive action...pulling weeds, kneading dough, scrubbing stains, scraping paint, painting, cutting bulletin board items with scissors, and even typing.
We use our hands for so many different jobs throughout the course of the day.  I am thankful for the mobility I do have.  I do not take the use of my hands for granted.

I have always noticed people's hands.  I loved my Gram's hands.  I remember her hands being crippled with arthritis and she would shake them in the mornings.  She used her hands to serve her family and her Lord.  I think I was most impressed by how her hands had worked so hard through the years...most often...blessing others.  She made so many good things to eat.  She made things for her Sunday school girls.  She did so many things all the time.  I would hold her hand and trace her veins when I was little.  We did not get to see her very often but she would hold our hands.
 I've been thinking a lot lately about working with my hands...doing for others...doing those things well.  Ecclesiastes 9:10 "Whatsoever thy hand finder to do, do it with thy might;  for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest."  I must learn from those who have gone before to work with my hands.  Titus 2 

Hands often show the hard work of person does.  I have had to learn that I am not called to do everything all the time.  I must learn to relax, let go, and rest which allows everyone else to have a chance to learn to use their hands to do good for others. There is a time to let go.  I am so thankful that I can use my hands to do good.  God made me with the ability to work and to teach our children to work, as well.  I have been hit with the realization that sometimes...I need to stop working and let go...and allow God to work.  There is a point that my working hands can get in the way of God working His plan.  I am seeing the importance of working at the same time letting go.

My hands do many things during the day!  Washing, pointing, juggling, throwing, writing, cutting, hugging, catching, grasping, balancing, folding, squeezing, griping...closed and open.
My hands and fingers are not for the purpose of holding on to everything in life...that action physically brings cramping and pain after a short time.

Humanly, it is impossible to literally hold on to every part of life.  There are somethings that I must allow others to care for.  There are things that only God can hold and handle.
There are things that I am not meant to hold on strength fails me...I get tired and I lose my grip.  I cannot juggle too many things...I know I am not successful in that feat.
It is better when I let go...the release brings relief.
I do not need to live with fear, pain, and stress of trying to hold on and hold everything together.  
That is not my job!  I have the ability to handle only a certain amount...
there is no sense in trying to hold more than I am physically capable of holding.

Open hands show an acceptance for what is coming to fill them.
If my hands are already full...clutching to something else...I might miss what is coming.
God...the Master Creator...of my hands...
holds me safely in His hands...

So while I work and plan with my hands...I hold to God's almighty hand...
holding loosely to my feeble attempts...knowing God is in control.

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